Popol Vuh era un grupo musical alemán fundado en 1970 cuyo líder era el pianista Florian Fricke. Con la muerte de éste en 2001 la banda desapareció. El nombre del grupo está tomado del libro de leyendas mitológicas mayas, el Popol Vuh.
Popol Vuh son considerados un grupo precursor en el uso de la electrónica y el sintetizador, pero también en la fusión con elementos de música étnica, y especialmente de música de tipo religioso.
Hosianna Mantra, un album cargado de espiritualidad, pacífica y llena de encanto. Esta vez Popol Vuh, logra ambientarnos en una fusion cristiano-oriental-cósmica, con una labor hermosa en las voces a cargo de Djong Yung. La labor del piano en reemplazo al clásico Moog de Fricke, de un ocasional oboe y violin, sumado a varios instrumentos típicos de la música de oriente, dan un caracter super íntimo y reflexivo, dejando de lado el clásico gusto por la tension de los grupos de Krautrock en general.
Popol Vuh's Tantric Songs and Hosianna Mantra are recognized as classics in the field of contemplative music. Popol Vuh has long been praised for their ability to blur the boundaries of time and space through a unique hybrid of ceremonial styles from around the world. Tantric Songs and Hosianna Mantra complement each other perfectly in their creation of modern ritualistic soundscapes. From the evocative, bass chants of `Mantra of the Touching of the Earth' to the primal drumming of `In the Realm of Shadow', Tantric Songs merges traces of classical refinement with feelings conjured up by ancient religious rites. Hosianna Mantra encompasses a series of gracefully understated chants. With pastel piano textures, spacious melodies from guitar and violin, and the angelic vocals of Djong Yun, Popol Vuh distills the sublime nature of Christian liturgical music from the dogma normally associated with it. As critic Keith Armstrong wrote, Hosianna Mantra is "a hypnotic work that leaves its echo on the air...relentlessly drawing one away from one's surroundings and into the space in which thoughts become musical sounds and words are experienced as feelings and nuances."
01. Mantra of the Touching of the Earth
02. Mantra of the Touching of the Heart
03. Angel of the Air, Pt. 1
04. Angel of the Air, Pt. 2
05. In the Realm of Shadow
06. Wanderer Through the Night
07. Listen He Who Ventures
08. Brothers of Darkness-Sons of Light
09. Ah!
10. Kyrie
11. Hosianna-Mantra
12. Departure
13. Blessing
14. Devotion I
15. Not High in Heaven
16. Devotion II
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