Cecile Corbel nunca deja de sorprenderme, su más reciente álbum contiene todas las cosas que la hacen una superestrella, su voz etérea, arreglos suaves y dominio del arpa, El álbum fuertemente impregnado de la tradición viva Celtica tiene una influencia adicional que se impone a través de todas las pistas. Su influencia suena como si viniera de las hadas! Al igual que Turlough O'Carolan sentado en su monte favorito componiendo su estilo único de música. Este elemento añadido en este álbum esta, sin duda en las raíces celtas, pero nunca he oído nada como esto antes. Es como el lado espiritual de la fantasía. Uno no acaba de pensar en las hadas y otros tipos de criaturas por el estilo cuando se escucha su música, pero pienso en esas cosas con un sentido de asombro que lleva al oyente a salir de su cuerpo y unirse a ellos, bailar con ellos, convertirse en ellos, ver la belleza en todas las cosas como lo hacen y el retorno a un estado espiritual elevado de la mente. Tal vez estoy siendo demasiado poético, pero en serio es como un amanecer, la única manera de expresarlo es a través de la poesía.
Ms. Corbel never ceases to amaze me, her latest album contains all the things that make her a superstar, her etheric voice, soothing arrangements and harp mastery but this album has an added touch that try as I might I can't quite even understand what it is nor how she did it! The album heavily steeped in the living Celtic tradition has an added influence that prevails through all the tracks. It is something that I can't explain and even so much so that I've put off writing this review for some time feeling nothing I can say can do it justice. Its an influence that sounds like it came from Faerie itself! Just like Turlough O'Carolan sitting on his favorite hill for hours than composing his unique planxty style of music. This added element on this album is definitely Celtic in roots but I've never heard anything like it before. Its like the spiritual side of fantasy. One doesn't just happen to think of faeries and other sorts of creatures of that ilk when listening to this but they think of those things with a sense of awe that begs the listener to leave their bodies and join with them, dance with them, become them, see the beauty in all things like they do and than return with a spiritually heightened state of mind. Maybe I'm being too poetic, but seriously its like a sunrise, the only way to express it is through poetry.
01. Cécile Corbel — Brian Boru (Renaissance)
02. Cécile Corbel — The King of the fairies
03. Cécile Corbel — Where have you been
04. Cécile Corbel — Sweet Amaryllis
05. Cécile Corbel — Elisabetha
06. Cécile Corbel — Fireflies
07. Cécile Corbel — La belle s’est endormie
08. Cécile Corbel — Little soldier
09. Cécile Corbel — My lullaby
10. Cécile Corbel — Yarim gitti (live)
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