Radio Minorias

Uniendo Culturas/Uniting Cultures

martes, 29 de octubre de 2024

Wimme - Cugu

Wimme Saari (también conocido como solo Wimme) es uno de los cantantes Sami yoik más conocidos de Escandinavia. Wimme Saari combina el canto tradicional sami con sus propias improvisaciones, generalmente con un acompañamiento acústico-tecnoambiental del grupo Wimme de WIMME. Wimme también ha aparecido en los álbumes de otras bandas, por ejemplo Hedningarna

    The most kinetic and lavishly woven of their three releases so far on Northside, Cugu illustrates how Wimme (Vee-meh) as a folk/art music phenomenon might best be understood as a group proper. In this third outing the Sami yoik (vocals) of Arctic Finn Wimme Saari, and the instrumental stage sets and programming production of Tapani Rinne and the Rinne Radio team, have arrived as a fully functional and perfected unit. While Saari's treasurable, rough-hewn tenor echoes wilderness experience, displaying mimicry of animals and nature's intelligent chaos in general, even as he sings words, Rinne has illumined it with synthetic and processed sounds of comparable organic complexity, but also woodwinds and other sonic garlands. The metric pulse of beats, secondary rhythm markers and murky sub-floors are artfully layered to suggest once again a digital bride to Saari's lonesome and cold-bitten voice, and appear in every one of twelve original selections. 

01  Eallima Bárut (Waves of Life)
02  Silbabiedju (Silver Cave)
03  Cugu (Puppy)
04  Nággu (Argument)
05  Mii Leat (We Are)
06  Texas
07  Dierpmesbákti (The Rock of the Thunder God)
08  Bambumiehta (Bamboo Honey)
09  Baksamat (Lips)
10  Suoldnit (Dew)
11  Rehálas (Honest)
12  Agálas Johtin (The Eternal Journey)

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